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By Taxon   |   By Theme   |   By Year


Student's names are indicated with an asterisk and presenters are underlined.


Sharrow T.S.*, Boves T., and Rolland V. American Kestrels in northeast Arkansas: nest box use, nest success, and impacts on potential agricultural pests. American Ornithological Society, Estes Park, Colorado, October 1–5, 2024.


Reusche M.R.*, Connior M.B., Gustafson K.D., Johnson R.L., and Rolland V. Distribution, dispersal, and genetic diversity of the Ozark pocket gopher. Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan Symposium, September 9–10, 2024.

Reusche M.R.*. Connior M.B., Johnson R.L., and Rolland V. Natal dispersal of Arkansas’ endemic mammal, the Ozark pocket gopher. American Society of Mammalogists, Boulder, Colorado, June 7–11, 2024.


Reusche M.R.*, Warr H., GustafsonK.D., Johnson R.L., Rolland V., and Sweet A.D. Scratching at the phylogeny of the pocket gopher lice: assessment for Arkansas’s endemic mammal Geomys bursarius ozarkensis. American Society of Parasitologists, Denver, Colorado, June 14–17, 2024.


Reusche M.R.*, Warr H., GustafsonK.D., Johnson R.L., Rolland V., and Sweet A.D. Scratching at the phylogeny of the pocket gopher lice: assessment for Arkansas’s endemic mammal Geomys bursarius ozarkensis. Southwestern Association of Parasitology, Kingston, Oklahoma, April 11–13, 2024. **David A. Becker Memorial Award**

Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in thermally stable box culverts in an Arkansas region without caves. North American Society for Bat Research Conference, Winnipeg, Canada, October 11–14, 2023.

Terry J.*, Vanoven A.*, Janney C., Rolland V., Poo S., and Neuman-Lee L. Who’s at the zoo? A Study of unaccessioned freshwater turtles at the Memphis Zoo. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Norfolk, Virginia, July 12–16, 2023. Invited talk for the ZooMu Initiative symposium.


Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in box culverts in an Arkansas region without caves. Arkansas Karst and Bat Conservation Meeting, Cave Spring, Arkansas, November 3–4, 2022.


Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in box culverts in an Arkansas region without caves. Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan Symposium, Mount Magazine, Arkansas, September 13–14, 2022.


Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in box culverts in an Arkansas region without caves. Joint International Bat Research Conference and North American Society for Bat Research Symposium, Austin, Texas, August 7–12, 2022.

Rolland V. Are bluebirds equipped to face climate change? Invited talk at the University of Mississippi seminar series, virtual, February 4, 2022.

De Bellis C.R.*, Campbell S.P., Beaudry F., Stuyck C., Heath J., Speicher J., DeMent S.H., Fischer L.K., and Rolland V. Have North American birds been shrinking over time? A test of Bergmann’s rule in the context of climate change. American Ornithological Society conference, Virtual, August 9–13, 2021.

De Bellis C.* and Rolland V. The Relationship between North American Birds and Bergmann's rule in the context of climate change. create@astate, Virtual, April 19-21, 2021


De Bellis C.* and Rolland V. Does Bergmann's rule apply to North American birds in the context of climate change? Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Virtual, Arkansas, March 11, 2021.

Kearny V.*, Perry R., Risch T., and Rolland V. Distribution and day roost preferences of Eastern Small-Footed Bats in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. 5th Annual Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Virtual Meeting hosted by the Division of Agriculture Research and Extension, University of Arkansas, March 11, 2021. **Best Student Oral Presentation**

De Bellis C.* and Rolland V. Does Bergmann's rule apply to North American birds in the context of climate change? 5th Annual Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Virtual Meeting hosted by the Division of Agriculture Research and Extension, University of Arkansas, March 11, 2021.

Kearny V.*, Perry R., Risch T., and Rolland V. Distribution and day roost preferences of Eastern Small-Footed Bats in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. 4th Annual Arkansas Karst and Bat Conservation Meeting, Virtual Meeting hosted by The Nature Conservancy, October 29, 2020.


Kearny V.*, and Rolland V. Searching for Small-footeds: Distribution and day roost preferences of Myotis leibii. Fall meeting of the Arkansas Audubon Society. Virtual Zoom meeting, October 24–26, 2020.

Kearny V.*, Perry R., Risch T, and Rolland V. Distribution and day roost preferences of Eastern Small-footed Bats in the Ouachita Mountains of Arkansas. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 5-6, 2020.

Hampton R.*, Atungulu G., Rolland V., Wilson S., and McKay T. Effects of infrared radiation on germination of long rain rice. Entomological Society Meeting. St. Louis, November 17-20, 2019.

Harrod S.* and Rolland V. Contrasting demographic responses of Eastern Bluebird populations to climatic variability. American Ornithological Society. Anchorage, Alaska, June 24-28, 2019.

Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bats switch their roosting habits seasonally in Arkansas bottomlands. North American Society for Bat Research, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, October 23-27, 2018.

Scherman S.*, Rolland V., and Risch T. Fall and winter roosting ecology of Rafinesque's big-eared bats and Southeastern bats. Arkansas Wildlife Action Plan symposium. Mount Magazine, AR, September 10-11, 2018.

Rolland V., Tietje B., Srivathsa A.*, Polyakov A.*, and Oli M. Season-specific effects of climatic variables on the population demography of the big-eared woodrat in coastal-central California. American Society of Mammalogists conference, Manhattan, KS, June 25-29, 2018.

Scherman S.*, Risch T., and Rolland V. Southeastern myotis and Rafinesque's big-eared bats switch their roosting habits seasonally in Arkansas bottomlands. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society meeting, Little Rock, AR, March 1-2, 2018.

Harrod S.* and Rolland V. Demographic responses of Eastern Bluebirds to temporal climate variability. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society meeting, Little Rock, AR, March 1-2, 2018.

Smart W.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. Applied research for seabird conservation: nesting performance, human harvest and introduced predators. BirdsCaribbean, Tolles de Collantes, Cuba, July 13-17, 2017.

Tietje W.D., Polyakov A.Y.*, Rolland V., Hines J., and Oli M.K. Population ecology of the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) in semi-arid oak woodland. 97th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Moscow, ID, June 20-24, 2017.

Smart W.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. Grenadine Seabird Productivity: Nesting Performance, Human harvests and Introduced Predators. create@astate, Jonesboro, AR, April 20-21, 2017.

Harrod S.*, and Rolland V. Demographic Responses of Eastern Bluebirds to Temporal Climate Variability. create@astate, Jonesboro, AR, April 20-21, 2017.

Langley E.*, Rolland V., and Johnson R. Genetic Analysis of Adult and Juvenile Eastern Bluebirds in Northeast Arkansas. create@astate, Jonesboro, AR, April 20-21, 2017.

Schratz S.*, Rolland V., Phillips J., Crosset R., Richardson D., and Risch T.S. Bat Occupancy Estimates and Species Richness at Cache River National Wildlife Refuge. The 101st annual meeting of Arkansas Academy of Science, Conway, AR, April 7-8, 2017.

Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bats Make Seasonal Switches In Their Roosting Habits In Arkansas Bottomlands. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 2-3, 2017.

Smart W.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. Grenadine Seabirds: Nesting Performance, Human Harvest, and Invasive Predators. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 2-3, 2017.

Smart W.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. Seabird Colony Decline, Nesting Performance, Human Harvest, and Invasive Predators in the Southern Grenadine Islands. 6th North American Ornithology Conference, Washington DC, August 16-20, 2016.

Rolland V.Tietje W.D., Srivathsa A.*, Polyakov A.Y.*, and Oli, M.K. Environmental factors and population demography in big-eared woodrat, Neotoma macrotis. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 24-28, 2016.

Srivathsa A.*, Polyakov A.K.*, Tietje W.D., Rolland V., and Oli M.K. Population demography and environmental drivers in brush mouse, Peromyscus boylii. 96th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 24-28, 2016.

Dodd K., Rolland V., and Oli M. Consequences of individual removal on persistence of a protected population of long-lived turtles. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 3-4, 2016.


Moore P.*, Risch, T.S., and Rolland V. Home range and habitat use of foraging Myotis grisescens from five matiernity sites in Northern Arkansas using aerial tracking. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 3-4, 2016. 


Schratz S.*, Rolland V., and Risch T.S. Roost tree selection of the southeastern myotis and Rafinesque's big-eared bat the in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas. Arkansas Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Little Rock, Arkansas, March 3-4, 2016. **3rd Best Student Oral Presentation**


Moore P.*, Risch, T.S., and Rolland V. Methods of aerial tracking using "home range and habitat use of foraging gray bats (Myotis grisescens) from five matiernity sites in Northern Arkansas" as a case study. Southeastern Bat Diversity Network, Lake Guntersville State Park, Guntersville, Alabama, February 18-19, 2016.


Schratz S.*, Rolland V., and Risch T.S. Roost tree selection of the southeastern myotis and Rafinesque's big-eared bat the in the Cache River National Wildlife Refuge, Arkansas. Southeastern Bat Diversity Network, Lake Guntersville State Park, Guntersville, Alabama, February 18-19, 2016.


Moore P.*, Morris, K., Risch T.S, and Rolland V. Home range and habitat use of foraging gray bats (Myotis grisescens) from five maternity sites in Northern Arkansas. North American Society for Bat Research Meeting, Monterey, California, October 28-31, 2015.


Moore P.*, Risch T.S, and Rolland V. Home range and habitat use of foraging gray bats (Myotis grisescens) from four maternity sites in Northern Arkansas. North American Joint Bat Working Group Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. March 3-6, 2015. 


Istvanko D.*, Risch T.S, and Rolland V. Sex-specific foraging habits of the evening bat (Nycticeius humeralis) in the Ozark Region of North-Central Arkansas. North American Joint Bat Working Group Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. March 3-6, 2015. **Best Student Oral Presentation**


Fowler J.* and Rolland V. How do Eastern Bluebirds choose their roost mates during the winter? North American Ornithologists’ Union, Estes Park, Colorado. September 23-27, 2014.


Istvanko D.*, Risch T. S., and Rolland V. Roost characteristics of Evening bats. AR Wildlife Society Fall meeting, Jonesboro, Arkansas. Sept 11, 2014.


Fowler J.* and Rolland V. Winter roosting habits of Eastern Bluebirds in NE Arkansas. Arkansas Audubon Society meeting, Jonesboro, Arkansas. May 3, 2014.


Fowler J.* and Rolland V. Winter nest box use and roost composition in Eastern Bluebirds in NE Arkansas. American Ornithologists’ Union meeting, Chicago, Illinois. August 13-15, 2013.


Rolland V. Climate change, Overexploitation, and Bird Populations. Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute, Front Royal, Virginia. July 25, 2012.


Rolland V., Oli M., Johnson F., Percival F., Hostetler J.A., Hines C. Bobwhite population dynamics. American Ornithologists’ Union Meeting, Jacksonville, Florida. July 14-15 2011.


Rolland V., Hostetler J.A., Dimmick R., Brinkley S., Hines C., Percival F. & Oli M. Survival and cause-specific mortalities of Northern Bobwhite in South Florida. Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Monterey, California. Sept 24-29, 2009.


Rolland V., Barbraud C., and Weimerksirch H. Comparative demography of four southern albatross species in relation to fisheries and climate. International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Cape Town, South Africa. August 2008.


Rolland V., Barbraud C., and Weimerskirch H. Influence des changements climatiques et des pêcheries sur la dynamique de population des albatros. Multidisciplinary meeting on polar research, Comite National Francais des Recherches Arctiques et Antarctiques, Paris, France, Oct 5-6 2007.


Rolland V., Barbraud C., and Weimerskirch H. Assessing the impact of different threats on population dynamics of albatrosses. The Buffon Legacy conference, Dijon, France. Sept 3-9 2007


Rolland V., Weimerskirch H., and Barbraud C. Combined effects of climate and fisheries on albatross demography. “Ecology & Behaviour” meeting, Montpellier, France. March 2007.


Terry J.*, Rolland V., and Neuman-Lee L.A. Shifts in prioritization of immune components in freshwater turtles. World Congress of Herpetology, Sarawak, Borneo, August 5–9, 2024.


Sharrow T.*, Rolland V., and Boves TJ. American Kestrels in Agricultural Landscapes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley: Nest Box Occupancy, Reproductive Success, and Pest Control Implications. Annual meeting of the Association of Southeastern Biologists, Chattanooga, Tennessee, March 20–23, 2024.


Terry J.*, Rolland V., Neuman-Lee L.A. Innate Immune Component Prioritization in Free-living Red-eared Slider. Poster for UandI-DEECoDE Summer Institute, State University, AR. August 2023.

Sharrow T.*, Rolland V., and Boves T. American kestrels in agricultural landscapes of the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley: nest box occupancy, reproductive success, and pest control. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, London, Ontario, Canada, August 8–12, 2023.


Rolland V., Balenger S., Grindstaff J.*, and Siefferman L. Severe winter weather selected for longer extremities and duller plumage in Eastern Bluebirds. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, London, Ontario, Canada, August 8–12, 2023.   


Rolland V.* and Ruccio K. A technical writing course and a dedicated teaching assistant to improve biology students’ communication and critical thinking skills. Ecological Society of America conference, Portland, Oregon, August 6–11, 2023.

Rolland V.*, Balenger S., Grindstaff J., and Siefferman L. Rapid natural selection of eastern bluebirds during severe winter weather. Ecological Society of America conference, Portland, Oregon, August 6–11, 2023.

Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in box culverts in cave-less southern Arkansas. Annual Meeting of the Western Bat Working Group, Victoria, Canada, April 18–21, 2023.

Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in culverts in caveless southern Arkansas. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States, Jonesboro, Arkansas, March 9–10, 2023.

Sharrow T.*, Rolland V., and Boves T. American kestrels as pest control agents in an agriculturally dominated landscape of northeast Arkansas. Association of Field Ornithologists annual meeting, Plymouth, Massachussetts, October 11–13, 2022.

Reusche M.*, Johnson R.L., and Rolland V. Has the endemic Ozark pocket gopher (Geomys bursarius ozarkensis) expanded its distribution? Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States, Virtual (, March 9–10, 2022. **Best Student Poster Presentation**


Lamb A.*, Perry R.W., and Rolland V. Tricolored bats overwinter in culverts in caveless southern Arkansas. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Bat Diversity Network and Colloquium on the Conservation of Mammals in the Southeastern United States, Virtual (, March 9–10, 2022.

Garred T.*, Wilson C.U.*, Rolland V., and Boves T.J. Providing breeding areas for American Kestrels to repopulate agricultural areas. SUPERB (Students United in Preserving, Exploring, and Researching scholarship program) summer institute, Cadiz, Kentucky, August 8-11, 2021.


Bulice T.*, Neuman-Lee L., and Rolland V. Environmental Stress Factors Influencing Antler Fluctuating Asymmetry in White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Arkansas. SUPERB (Students United in Preserving, Exploring, and Researching scholarship program) summer institute, Cadiz, Kentucky, August 8-11, 2021.


De Bellis C.R.* and Rolland V. Does size matter? A test of Bergmann’s rule in the context of climate change. SUPERB (Students United in Preserving, Exploring, and Researching scholarship program) summer institute, Cadiz, Kentucky, August 8-11, 2021.

Kearny V.*, Perry R., Risch T., and Rolland V. Summer roost habitat and distribution of Eastern Small-footed bats in the Ouachita Mountains, of Arkansas. Southern Bat Diversity Network conference,, virtual, February 25, 2021.

Bulice T.*, Neuman-Lee L., and Rolland V. Environmental Stress Factors Influencing Antler Fluctuating Asymmetry in White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in Arkansas. Southeast Deer Study Group meeting, Virtual conference hosted by the National Deer Association, February 22-24, 2021.

Kearny V.*, Perry R., Risch T., and Rolland V. Eastern Small-footed bats roost in high-elevation, narrow crevices of talus slopes in the Ouachitas, Arkansas. Southern Bat Diversity Network conference, Athens, Georgia, February 12-14, 2020.

Tietje W., Polyakov A.*, Rolland V., and Oli M. Age-specific survival and probability of reproduction among juvenile and adult big-eared woodrats in a California oak woodland. Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society. Reno, Nevada, September 30-October 3, 2019.


Wynia A.L.*, Rolland V., and Jiménez J.E. A novel device to best detect key woodpeckers: an experiment with the Magellanic Woodpecker. American Ornithological Society. Anchorage, Alaska, June 24-28, 2019.

Harrod S.* and Rolland V. Factors affecting knowledge and beliefs of college freshmen towards climate change. National Council for Science and the Environment Annual Conference. Washington, DC, January 7-10, 2019

Beaird C.*, Rolland V., McKay T., and Boves T. Attracting barn owls and American kestrels to agricultural areas of northeast Arkansas  to provide pest control services. SUPERB (Students United in Preserving, Exploring, and Researching scholarship program) summer institute. Carbondale, IL, August 7-10, 2018.


Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque’s big-eared bats switch their roosting habits seasonally in Arkansas bottomlands. American Society of Mammalogists conference, Manhattan, KS, June 25-29, 2018.

Trusty M.* and Rolland V. Does axle grease effectively protect bluebird nests from predators? create@astate, Jonesboro, AR, April 16-18, 2018.

Trusty A.* and Rolland V. Does frequently visiting a bluebird nest increase predation risk? create@astate, Jonesboro, AR, April 16-18, 2018.

Harrod S.* and Rolland V. Factors affecting knowledge and beliefs of college freshmen towards climate change. American Ornithological Society, Tucson, AZ, April 9-14, 2018.

Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bats Make Seasonal Switches in their Roosting Habit in Arkansas Bottomlands. The 101st annual meeting of Arkansas Academy of Science, Jonesboro, AR, April 6-7, 2018.

Trusty M.* and Rolland V. Does axle grease effectively protect bluebird nests from predators? The 101st annual meeting of Arkansas Academy of Science, Jonesboro, AR, April 6-7, 2018.

Trusty A.* and Rolland V. Does frequently visiting a bluebird nest increase predation risk? The 101st annual meeting of Arkansas Academy of Science, Jonesboro, AR, April 6-7, 2018.

Trusty M.* and Rolland V. Does axle grease effectively protect bluebird nests from predators? STEM Posters at the Capitol, Little Rock, AR, February 14, 2018.

Trusty A.* and Rolland V. Does frequently visiting a bluebird nest increase predation risk? STEM Posters at the Capitol, Little Rock, AR, February 14, 2018.

Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bats Make Seasonal Switches in their Roosting Habit in Arkansas Bottomlands. North American Society for Bat Research, Knoxville, TN, October 18-22, 2017.


Rolland V., Tietje, W.D., Srivathsa A., Polyakov A.Y., and Oli M.K. Environmental factors and population demography of the big-eared woodrat in coastal-central California. 97th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Moscow, ID, June 20-24, 2017.

Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque's Big-Eared Bats Make Seasonal Switches in Their Roosting Habit in Bottomlands. create@astate, Jonesboro, AR, April 20-21, 2017.

Scherman S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. Southeastern Myotis and Rafinesque’s Big-Eared Bats Make Seasonal Switches In Their Roosting Habits In Arkansas Bottomlands. Southeastern Bat Diversity Network conference, Asheville, NC, February 16-17, 2017.

Nepshinsky M.*, Liechty J.*, Minor A.*, Windhoffer E.*, Rolland V., and Pierce A. Foraging Movement Patterns of Breeding Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) on the Isles Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge in Southern Louisiana. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Conference, New Orleans, LA, February 6-9, 2017.

Smart W.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. Seabird Colony Decline, Nesting Performance, Human Harvest, and Invasive Predators in the Southern Grenadine Islands. 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh-Durham, NC, October 15-19, 2016.​

Nepshinsky, M.*, Liechty J.*, Minor A.*, Windhoffer E.*, Rolland V. and Pierce A. Foraging Movement Patterns of Breeding Royal Terns (Thalasseus maximus) on the Isles Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge in Southern Louisiana. Southeastern Partners In Flight Annual Meeting, Lafayette, Louisiana. November 2-5, 2015.

Schratz S.*, Rolland V., and Risch T.S. Characteristics of roost trees of Southeastern myotis and Rafinesque’s big-eared bats in the bottomlands of Arkansas. North American Joint Bat Working Group Meeting, Monterey, California. October 28-31, 2015.

Nepshinsky  M.*, Liechty J.*, Minor A.*, Windhoffer E.*, Rolland V. and Pierce A. Foraging Movement Patterns of Breeding Royal Terns (Thalasseus maxima) on the Isles Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge in Southern Louisiana. Louisiana Chapter of The Wildlife Society Fall meeting, Baton Rouge, Louisiana. August 19, 2015. 2nd Place Award.


Smart W.*, Collier, N., and Rolland V. Seabird's nesting performance in the Grenadines. 20th International Meeting of BirdsCaribbean, Kingston, Jamaica. July 25-29, 2015.

Schratz S.*, Rolland V., and Risch T. Characterization of Roost Trees of the Southeastern Myotis in the Bottomlands of Arkansas. North American Joint Bat Working Group Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. March 3-6, 2015. 


Cansler B.* and Rolland V. Eastern Bluebird diet, behavior, and water content of prey items. Arkansas Academy of Science, Searcy, Arkansas. April 4, 2014.


Istvanko D.*, Risch T. and Rolland V. Sex-specific Foraging Habits of Nycticeius humeralis in an Intensely Managed Forest. Southern Bat Diversity Network meeting, Nacogdoches, Texas, February 13-14, 2014.


Fowler J.* and Rolland V. Effects of temperature on Eastern Bluebird winter nest box use. Association of Field Ornithologists meeting, Venice, Florida. March 28-30, 2013.


Bobowski M.*, Bednarz J., Risch T., Marsico T, and Rolland V. Foraging behavior and decision strategies by overwintering Red-tailed Hawks and American Kestrels in relation to prey density and patch-site characteristics. North American Ornithology Conference, Vancouver, Canada. August 15-18, 2012.


Moore P.* and Rolland V. Elevation and Female Bat Foraging Distribution in a Low Mountainous Region. Southern Bat Diversity Network meeting, Pikeville, TN. February 14-15, 2013.

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