Publications by Taxon
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Bats | Bluebirds | Bobwhite | Herps | Humans | Insects | (Other) Birds | Seabirds | Small Mammals

Kearny V.M.*, Perry R.W., Risch T.S., and Rolland V. (2023) Microhabitat of Myotis leibii summer roosts at the southwestern periphery of their range. Canadian Journal of Zoology 101: 754-763.
Scherman S.S.*, Risch T.S., and Rolland V. (2022) Fall and winter activity of two bat species in response to winter flooding and decreasing temperature. Global Ecology and Conservation 38: e02276.
Kearny, V.M.*, Perry, R.W., Risch T.S., and Rolland V. (2022) Distribution and roost site selection of eastern small-footed bats (Myotis leibii) in mountains of west-central Arkansas. Southeastern Naturalist 21: 74-92.
Rolland V., Schratz S., Istvanko D., and Harrod S. (2022) Evening bats (Nycticeius humeralis) use bird nest boxes as day roosts in northeastern Arkansas. American Midland Naturalist 187: 84-89.
Kwon Y., Doty A.C., Huffman M.L.*, Rolland V., Istvanko D.R. & Risch T.S. (2019) Implications of forest management practices for sex-specific habitat use by Nycticeius humeralis. Journal of Mammalogy 100: 1263-1273.
Schratz S.*, Rolland V., Phillips J., Crosset R., Richardson D. & Risch T.S. (2017) Bat occupancy estimates and species richness at Cache River National Wildlife Refuge. Journal of Arkansas Academy of Science 71: Article 20.
Moore P.M.*, Morris K., Risch T.S. & Rolland V. (2017) Habitat use of female gray bats assessed using aerial telemetry. Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 1242-1253.
Istvanko D.R.*, Risch T.S. & Rolland V. Sex-specific foraging habits and roost characteristics of Nycticeius humeralis in north-central Arkansas. Journal of Mammalogy 96: 1336-1344.
Rolland V., Balenger S, Grindstaff J, and Siefferman L. Natural selection after sever winter favors larger and duller bluebirds. American Naturalist 204: 561-573.
Knutie S., Bahouth R., Bertone M., Webb C., Mehta M., Nahom M., Barta R., Ghai S., Love A., Horan S., Soldo A., Cochrane E., Bartholomew J., Cowan E., Bjerke H., Balenger S., Butler M., Cornell A., Kennedy A., Rolland V., Schultz E., Stanback M., Taff C., and Albery G. Understanding spatiotemporal effects of food supplementation on host-parasite interactions using community-based science. Journal of Animal Ecology 93: 1830-1840.
Trusty M.*, Trusty A.*, and Rolland V. Lithium grease as an effective predator guard for Eastern Bluebird nests. In Press. Southeastern Naturalist 23: 401-413.
Schroeder J.*, Worm A.* (co-first authors), Sweet A., and Rolland V. (co-senior authors). Genomic data reveal unexpected relatedness between a brown female Eastern Bluebird and her brood. Ecology and Evolution 14:e10551.
Harrod S.E.*, and Rolland V. (2022) Using citizen science to determine if songbird nesting parameters fluctuate in synchrony. Plos One 17: e0277656.
Harrod S.E., De Bellis C.*, Trusty A.*, and Rolland V. (2021) Eastern Bluebirds (Sialia sialis) rear four broods to apparent fledging in northeastern Arkansas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 133: 358-364.
Harrod S.E.* and Rolland V. (2020) Demographic responses of Eastern Bluebirds to climatic variability in northeastern Arkansas. Population Ecology 62: 317-331.
Moseley S.C.*, Harrod S.E.*, and Rolland V. (2020) Tufted Titmice (Baeolophus bicolor) rear a mixed brood to apparent fledging in Northeast Arkansas. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132: 197-202.
Fowler Neal J.A.*, & Rolland V. (2015) A Potential Case of Brood Parasitism by Eastern Bluebirds on House Sparrows. Southeastern Naturalist 14: N31–N34.

Rolland V., Hostetler J.A., Hines C., Johnson F., Percival F. & Oli M. (2011) Effect of harvest and climate on population dynamics of northern bobwhites in south Florida. Wildlife Research 38: 396-407.
Rolland V., F., Hostetler J.A., Hines C., Percival F. & Oli M. (2011) Factors influencing reproductive performance of northern bobwhite in south Florida. European Journal of Wildlife Research 57: 717-727
Rolland V., Johnson F.,Hostetler J.A., Hines C., Percival F. & Oli M. (2010) Impact of harvest on survival of a heavily hunted game bird population. Wildlife Research 37: 392-400.

Elston J.*, Rolland V. & Trauth S. (2016) Urban ditch characteristics associated with high turtle abundance and species richness. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11: 132-141.
Dodd K., Rolland V. & Oli M.K. (2016) Consequences of individual removal on persistence of a protected population of long-lived turtles. Animal Conservation 19: 369-379.
Brischoux F., Rolland V., Bonnet X., Caillaud M., & Shine R. Effects of oceanic salinity on body condition in sea snakes. Integrative and Comparative Biology 52: 235-244.

Harrod S.E.* and Rolland V. (2020) Factors associated with attitudes and knowledge of first-semester college students toward climate change. BioScience 71: 415-425.
Cooke S., Casper A., Brischoux F., Catford J., Bonada N., Schäfer R., Arlinghaus R., & Rolland V. Perspectives from early career researchers on the publication process in ecology – a response to Statzner & Resh (2010). Freshwater Biology 56: 2405-2412.
Hampton R.M., Atungulu G., Rolland V., Wilson, S.A., and McKay T. (2022) Effects of infrared radiation on germination of long grain rice. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 38: 129-133.
Hampton R.M.*, Atungulu G.G., Odek Z, Rolland V., Siebenmorgen T.J., Wilson S.A. & McKay T. (2019) Assessment of Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) progeny and feeding damage on rice dried with infrared radiation. Journal of Stored Products Research 81: 69-75.

(Other) Birds
Sharrow T.*, Boves T., and Rolland V. Nest box cameras provide insight into causes of nest failure for American Kestrels. Journal of Raptor Research 58: 499-504.
Johnson Miller S., Dykstra C.R., Rolland V., Simon M.M., Hays J.L., and Bednarz J.C. (2023) Sibling aggression, feeding rates, and hatch rank of nestling red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus). Journal of Raptor Research 57: 1-15.
Wynia A.L.*, Rolland V., and James C. Bednarz J.C. (2021) Rat snakes, cowbirds, and vines lower passerine nest survival in remnant bottomland hardwood forests in east-central Arkansas, USA. Avian Conservation and Ecology 16:19.
Wynia A.L.*, Rolland V., and Jiménez J.E. (2019) Improved Campephiline detection: an experiment conducted with the Magellanic Woodpecker. Ecology and Evolution 9: 11724-11733.
Bobowski M.M.*, Rolland V. & Risch T.S. (2014) Abundance and distribution of overwintering Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis) and American Kestrels (Falco sparverius) in an agricultural landscape in northeastern Arkansas. Journal of Raptor Research 48: 273-279.
Smart W.A.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. (2021) Non-native rats detected on uninhabited southern Grenadine islands with seabird colonies. Ecology and Evolution 11: 4172–7181.
Smart W.A.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. (2020) A survey of Grenadians on seabird harvest in the Grenada Grenadines. Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 33: 67-77.
Rolland V., Nepshinsky M.*, Windhoffer E.D.*, Liechty J.S.*, Minor A.K.*, and Pierce A.R. (2020) Foraging areas and movements of Royal Tern Thalasseus maximum breeding at the Isles Dernieres Barrier Islands Refuge, Louisiana, USA. Marine Ornithology 48: 163-168.
Rolland V., Furfey B.C.* & Pierce A. (2019) Foraging Movements of Black Skimmers (Rynchops niger) Nesting on the Isles Dernieres Barrier Island Refuge, Louisiana. Waterbirds 42: 95-99.
Barbraud C., Rolland V., Jenouvrier S., Nevoux M., Delord K., & Weimerskirch H. (2012) Effects of climate change and fisheries bycatch on Southern Ocean seabirds: a review. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454: 285-307.
Barbraud C., Rivalan P., Inchausti P., Nevoux M., Rolland V. & Weimerskirch H. (2010) Contrasted demographic responses facing future climate change in Southern Ocean seabirds. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 89-100.
Rolland V., Weimerskirch H. & Barbraud C. (2010) Relative influence of fisheries and climate on the demography of four albatross species. Global Change Biology 16: 1910-1922.
Rolland V., Barbraud C. & Weimerskirch H. (2009) Assessing the impact of fisheries, climate and disease on the dynamics of the Indian Yellow-nosed Albatross. Biological Conservation 142: 1084-1095.
Rolland V., Nevoux M., Barbraud C. & Weimerskirch H. (2009) Respective impact of climate and fisheries on the growth of an albatross population. Ecological Applications 19: 1336-1346.
Rolland V. (2208) Influence des changements climatiques et des pêcheries industrielles sur la dynamique des populations d'albatros de l'Ocean Austral. Dissertation, Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, France. PDF
Rolland V., Barbraud C. & Weimerskirch H. (2008) Combined effects of fisheries and climate on a migratory long-lived marine predator. Journal of Applied Ecology 45: 4-13.

Small mammals
Reusche M.R.*, Johnson R.L., and Rolland V. Distribution and Habitat Characteristics of the Ozark Pocket Gopher, Geomys bursarius ozarkensis. Southeastern Naturalist. (Accepted Dec. 2024).
Polyakov A.Y.*, Tietje W.D., Srivathsa A.*, Rolland V., Hines J.E., and Oli M.K. (2021) Multiple coping strategies maintain stability of a small mammal population in resource-restricted environments. Ecology and Evolution 11: 12529–12541.
Chaudhary V*., Tietje W.D., Polyakov A.Y.*, Rolland V., and Oli M.K. (2021) Factors driving California pocket mice (Chaetodipus californicus) population dynamics. Journal of Mammalogy 102: 1353–1354.
Rolland V., Tietje, W.D., Polyakov A.Y.*, Chaudhary V.*, and Oli M.K. (2021) Climatic factors and population demography in big-eared woodrat, Neotoma macrotis. Journal of Mammalogy 102: 731–742.
Smart W.A.*, Collier N., and Rolland V. Non-native rats detected on uninhabited southern Grenadine islands with seabird colonies. Ecology and Evolution 11: 4172–7181.
Srivathsa A.*, Tietje W.D., Rolland V., Polyakov A.Y.* & Oli M.K. (2019) Climatic drivers of pinyon mouse Peromyscus truei population dynamics in a resource-restricted environment. Population Ecology 61: 122-131.
Tietje W.D., Polyakov A.Y.*, Rolland V., Hines J.E. & Oli M.K. (2018) Climatic influences on demography of the California mouse (Peromyscus californicus) in semi-arid oak woodland. Journal of Mammalogy 99: 1149-1158.