This year, we have the same sad situations with a male who has avian pox on one of his legs, clutches with tiny sterile eggs, one case of...

Box 312 - All eggs have hatched. We thus need to capture (by sight or physically in the box) the parents for banding and identification....

Bat Invasion
In 3 years, I have found just 2 bats in bluebird nest boxes. During this (not yet finished) 2015 season, I have recorded 6 bats in 13...

Cowbird Brood Parasitism
The nesting season 2015 on the Jonesboro Bluebird Trail has known several cases of Brown-headed Cowbird (BHCO) brood parasitism. I have...

Bluebird Ectoparasites
After my post about avian pox, another annoyance for birds: ectoparasites. Nest mites are common on bluebird chicks (picture below with...

There is a variety of snakes on the Jonesboro Bluebird Trail: speckled kingsnake, racer, black rat snake, cottonmouth... but it's always...

Avian pox
Avian pox is a common disease in bluebirds. The main symptom is wart-like overgrowths on feet and beak. We have seen several individuals...

Unpopular nest boxes
With all the questions raised by Jessica's research, I have decided to keep conducting winter field seasons. Monitoring has started Nov....

Late fledging
The last bluebird clutch (3 chicks) this 2014 season fledged on Sept. 12, 2014, 22 days later than the last of the 2013 season. Summary...

Surprising eggs
Sometimes, females lay weird eggs. Although rare, it is well-known that eggs can sometimes be white or even pink. They would still...